Youjin Jung
Ph.D. student in Psychology, Wayne State University (2017-Present)
M.Eng. in Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University, South Korea (2013-2015)
B. Home Economics in Home Economics Education, B.A in Psychology, Korea University, South Korea (2008-2013)
Office Location
051 Knapp Building
Courses Taught
PSY 2030 Statistical Methods in Psychology Lab (Fall 2019, Winter 2020, Fall 2020, Winter 2021)
PSY 2030 Statistical Methods in Psychology Lecture (Summer 2020)
PSY 1030 Introductory Psychology Lab (Fall 2018, Winter 2019)
PSY 1010 Introductory Psychology Lab (Winter 2018)
Professional Service
Research presentation at Walk to End Alzheimer’s Detroit at Detroit Zoo (2022)
Brain Day Detroit (2018, 2019, 2020, 2023)
Professional Associations
International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART) (2022-2023)
Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Student Member (2021, 2023)
Society for Neuroscience, Graduate Student Member (2019)
Honors and Awards
2nd Prize in the Institute of Gerontology poster presentation (IOG & MPSI Lifespan Alliance Research Day, 2023)
Mezey Junior Investigator Conference Award (Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, 2022)
Best Presentation in Brain & Cognition (IOG & MPSI Lifespan Alliance Research Day, 2022)
Poster Winner at the Graduate Level (5th Annual Beyond Amyloid Research Symposium, 2021)
Olson Memorial Award for Best Paper in Gerontology (Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, 2021)
Blue Cross Blue Shields Student Award Program (Blue Cross Blue Sheld of Michigan Foundation, 2021-2022)
Rumble Fellowship Award (Wayne State University, 2021-2022)
Julie A. Thomas Endowed Scholarship in Psychology (Dept. of Psychology, Wayne State University, 2020)
Institute of Gerontology Supplemental Trainee Travel Award (Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, 2019, 2022, 2023)
Jung, Y. & Damoiseaux, J. S. (2023) The potential of the blood neurofilament light as a neurodegenerative marker for Alzheimer’s disease. Brain, awad267
Jung, Y., Viviano, R. P., Rooden, S. V., van der Grond, J., Rombouts, S. A., & Damoiseaux, J. S. (2021). White matter hyperintensities and apolipoprotein E affect the association between mean arterial pressure and objective and subjective cognitive functioning in older adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 84(3), 1337-1350.
Pyun, S. B., Yoo, H. J., Jung, Y. J., & Tae, W. S. (2019). Neuroanatomical predictors of dysphagia after stroke: voxel-based lesion symptom Mapping study. Journal of the Korean Dysphagia Society, 9(2), 68-76.
Lee, A., Jung, Y., Kwon, H. K., & Pyun, S. B. (2018). Complex regional pain syndrome of non-hemiplegic upper limb in a stroke patient: A case report. Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine, 42(1), 175-179.
Chung, H., Lee, E. J., Jung, Y. J., & Kim, S. H. (2016). Music-induced mood biases decision strategies during the ultimatum game. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.
Moon, H. I., Jung, Y. J., Choi, S., Tae, W., Pyun, S. B. (2016). Effect of Age on Cortical Activation during Swallowing: An fMRI Study. Journal of Korean Dysphagia Society, 6(1), 26-33.