Press Releases
- Wayne State University program coordinator wins Champions of Tomorrow award
- $3.5 million grant renewal to University Research Corridor member universities marks 25 years of research and scholarship on minority aging and health
- Institute of Gerontology researcher gets top citation honors for 2006 publication
- Institute of Gerontology director honored for improving the lives of older adults
- Taking Aging by Storm
- Wayne State receives $3.6 million NIH grant to advance understanding of Alzheimer’s and other dementias
- Statewide research universities to receive $9M for Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Core Center
- Lichtenberg appointed to Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging
- Wayne State researcher awarded $1.9M grant to identify memory networks in children
- Wayne State Partners with Cedarbrook Senior Living to Create Gerontology Center of Excellence
- IOG Director Addresses National Institute of Medicine about Older Adult Fraud
- WSU's Institute of Gerontology director awarded for elder abuse research
- Wayne State University developing new approaches for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's
- Institute of Gerontology to host 500 seniors at Art of Aging Successfully
- Consensus statement questions science behind brain-training claims
- Institute of Gerontology director briefs Congress on seniors and fraud
- Author, talk show host and aging expert kicks off creative conference for older adults
- Film event spotlights alarming rise in financial abuse of older adults
- Gerontology Economics Professor Wins Top Lily Prize
- Wayne State researcher appointed adjunct foreign professor at prestigious Karolinska Institute
- Health Reception Honors and Educates Detroit's Black Elders
- Made in Michigan Art Conference Attracts 500 Seniors, 60 Artists
- Returning wounded soldiers to meaningful civilian lives
- Institute of Gerontology employee wins top 'Ability is Ageless' award
- $2.7 million grant renewal to Wayne State University and the University of Michigan continues fight to improve African American health