Senior and Caregiver Activities
Engage and Educate Older Adults and Caregivers
The Institute of Gerontology has long been a leader in outreach to seniors and their caregivers. As a nationally recognized authority on aging, we conduct scientific research and disseminate findings with a mission to improve the health and well-being of older adults. Our team of faculty, students and staff, as well as countless volunteers shares a passion and dedication to successful aging. Their talent and expertise combine to create the community outreach programs detailed here.
Receive news and event announcements.
Art of Aging Successfully Conference
Loving on Empty: A Caregivers' Conference
Healthier Black Elders Center (HBEC)
HBEC is committed to connecting Detroit's seniors and their families to current knowledge about aging and health. This year's HBEC free learning series has expanded to include new locations with a broader list of speakers and topics. The learning series are held once a month between February through April and then again in October and November at various metro locations.
For more information about the Healthier Black Elders Center, please contact Vanessa Rorai at