Become a Partner

The IOG is privileged to partner with local and national corporations and foundations dedicated to our mission of promotion successful aging in Detroit and beyond. 


Healthier Black Elders Center Community Learning Series & Annual Conference
The IOG hosts approximately 10 Community Learning Series in Detroit each year. At each events, 40-60 attendees learn from and interact with experts in health-related fields. The forums lead up to an annual conference for more than 300 participants. These programs improve lives by connecting minority communities with research.

  • Prominent acknowledgement in all press releases, advertisements, articles and mailings associated with the Healthier Black Elders Center
  • Exposure to 800-1000 older adults and caregivers
  • Signs and exhibits at events

Art of Aging Successfully Conference
Engaging older adults as volunteers and leaders in providing creative educational opportunities to other seniors is the goal of the Art of Aging Successfully program. Having completed its 6th annual conference and having an attendance of 350 individuals yearly, this conference has demonstrated value.

  • Prominent acknowledgement in all press releases, advertisements, articles and mailings associated with the Art of Aging Successfully conference
  • Exposure to 350 attendees (Seniors and Caregivers)
  • Signs and exhibits at the event

Issues in Aging Professional Conference (2 Days)
Held for more than 26 years, this 2-day training has become a key resource for local and regional professionals in the field. The conference topics include Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and end-of-life care.

  • Prominent acknowledgement in all press releases, advertisements, articles and mailings associated with the Issues in Aging Conference
  • Exposure to 150-200 professionals working in aging
  • Signs at the event


IOG Community Engagement collaborates with our corporate and community partners to create unique programming for health care professionals and community members.

Continuing Education Programs

  • Build relationships with referral sources through CE programming
  • Bring referral sources to your facility or to a memorable location of your choosing
  • Distinguish yourself in the marketplace by promoting education and your relationship with the IOG

Older Adult/Caregiver Education

  • Create awareness of your products/services through customized community education
  • Build an image of your corporation as dedicated to the health and well being of older adults
  • Build relationships with caregivers who are the decision makers for their senior parents

Creative Ways to Give
Become a Partner
Current Benefactors
Current Corporate & Community Partners
Volunteer Opportunities
2020/2021 IOG Report

For more information on any area of giving, contact Donna MacDonald at: