National Steering Committee

Then Institute of Gerontology Steering Committee members make on-site visits to review the IOG's accomplishments and help to set the direction for the coming years. Their strategic recommendations are released in a full report to IOG faculty and staff.
Michael Rugg, PhD, Chair
University of Texas at Dallas
Distinguished Chair in Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Director, Center for Vital Longevity
Kristine Ajrouch, PhD
Eastern Michigan University
Professor Anthropology Sociology & Criminology
Tamara Baker, PhD
University of North Carolina
Professor of Psychiatry
Marcia Ory, PhD
Texas A&M University
Regents & Distinguished Professor, School of Public Health
Patricia Rueter-Lorenz, PhD
University of Michigan
Michael Posner Collegiate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
Ronald Taylor
President, CEO, Detroit Area, Agency on Aging
Pamela Teaster, PhD
Virginia Tech University
Director, Center for Gerontology
Roland Thorpe, PhD
Johns Hopkins University
Professor Bloomberg School of Public Health
Vincent Tilford
Executive Director, Hanna Foundation